Energy Flows Where Attention Goes. Why it Pays to Strengthen Your Attention.

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes. Why it Pays to Strengthen Your Attention.

Attention is not just something that is good to have, it is essential for everything we do, while attention deficit has huge implications for productivity and mental health. Being able to manage your attention means you have choice about how you live your life because what you agree to pay attention to makes up the experiences you have, the life you live and ultimately the quality of it.

Image by Brands & People

Why Presence is Our Most Underrated Resource and 7 Tips to Cultivate It

Why Presence is Our Most Underrated Resource and 7 Tips to Cultivate It

Rarely a day goes by when we are not inundated with distractions, notifications, and endless things to do and think about. With a multitude of demands and diversions jostling for our attention, it’s challenging to be fully present in the moment. Yet the power of presence is real and undeniable and allows us to fully experience the depth and joy of life.

10 Ways Mindfulness Can Help Leaders

10 Ways Mindfulness Can Help Leaders

“Integrity is the only path where you will never get lost.” Mike Maples Jnr, Leader

Mindfulness practice has so much to offer leaders. Today, many leaders of successful organisations are vocal mindfulness champions. While mindfulness is not a panacea, is not for everyone or beneficial in all circumstances, this article explores 10 ways that mindfulness can help leaders.

What is the Simplest Thing You Can Do To Manage Stress?

What is the Simplest Thing You Can Do To Manage Stress?

The simplest thing you can do to manage stress is manage your attention to reduce thinking. But how can one reduce thinking? The answer is to train your attention and ability to let go of thinking when it is not helpful i.e. when thinking creates inner tension and turmoil.

Bringing Mindfulness Into Your Day: Tips for Practicing Informal Meditation

Bringing Mindfulness Into Your Day: Tips for Practicing Informal Meditation

Being mindful as you engage in everyday activities, otherwise known as informal meditation, is a great way to reduce mind-wandering and overthinking that often causes stress and suffering. Practicing being mindful throughout your day is simple and quickly brings you back into the precious present moment.