Meditation and mindfulness are tools for training for the mind

Developing the skills, awareness and attitudes of meditation and mindfulness empowers people and organisations to unlock potential and improve life, work, wellbeing, and health.

Regular meditation practice fosters self-awareness and self-regulation, especially in difficult or stressful conditions. Just as we exercise our body, meditation practice builds psychological muscle, keeping us mentally and emotionally fit, strong, resilient and better able to navigate the challenges of life. Specifically we increase our ability to respond to life with choice rather than react automatically and habitually in ways we may later regret. 

Regular practice specifically builds our ability to pay attention, in the present moment, with the attitudes of openness, curiosity and care. It may not sound like much - the present moment is underrated - but the opposite is ‘autopilot’: a distracted, careless and unconscious state in which we do not perform at our best and are at the mercy of our reactive and habitual patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.

It has been repeatedly shown in scientific studies that 8-weeks of meditation/mindfulness practice can strengthen areas of the brain responsible for memory, cognition, learning, attention, emotional regulation and self-awareness, while reducing the activity of Brain areas responsible for fear, anxiety and stress.

REGULAR MEDITATION (including mindfulness) practice:

  • Increases our ability to be present

  • Reduces the inhibiting effects of stress

  • Increases mental, emotional, and physical health

  • Builds psychological resilience and wellbeing

  • Improves sleep, focus, and efficiency

  • Optimises performance and effectiveness

  • Strengthens connection, intuition, and creativity

  • Cultivates compassion and empathy

  • Accelerates the journey toward self-mastery

  • Empowers intention and manifestation

Read key Scientific findings and articles

Good Mental and Emotional Health is Good for Business

While some stress helps us to meet deadlines and high standards, excessive or chronic stress is the biggest inhibitor to performance and is the source of much physical and psychological illness. By reducing levels of occupational stress through increasing resilience and mindfulness skills, businesses have the potential to improve employee wellbeing, performance, productivity and engagement across the board. Through participation in workplace mindfulness/meditation programs, employees experience higher levels of connection, reduced stress, better health and improved morale, translating to decreased levels of absenteeism, anxiety and staff turnover. This in turn enables higher levels of effectiveness, innovation and satisfaction at work, strengthening staff and customer loyalty.

Right Brain Liaisons empowers soft skill development, equipping people with self-regulation and resilience tools that enable better decision-making, greater focus and effectiveness, increased health, happiness and wellbeing and greater engagement and communication with co-workers and clients.

Mindfulness at Work

Productivity losses linked to stress, anxiety and depression cost Australian workplaces an estimated $13-17 billion a year through absenteeism, presenteeism, employee disengagement and mental health compensation claims.

SafeWork NSW reports that investment in workplace mental health initiatives return an average of up to $4.00 for every $1 invested.

Mindfulness/meditation training is at the forefront of the trend to reduce occupational stress and its impacts on wellbeing and productivity, offering an evidence-based means to increase resilience, performance, ability to manage competing demands on attention, time and energy, and respond to challenge and change without burnout.